King’s Ransom would like to personally welcome you to the lap of luxury and a cigar experience unlike any other in the world. Every facet of these cigars and their presentation is handcrafted from the finest across the globe. The experience you will derive from these premium, expertly crafted cigars is worth just that: A King’s Ransom.
King’s Ransom’s Double Magnifico has been coined the “Killed the Dragon” cigar. A metaphor for celebrating and savoring an achievement that is as rare and unique as the cigar itself. Treasure the pleasure of that special moment with a prized cigar from King’s Ransom.
Created with the singular goal of extreme premium quality and rare quantity, the Double Magnifico brand was born and created by the master craftsman Hendrik Kelner, Jr. Over two years of blending, tasting, testing and re-blending has resulted in three distinct 8×50 sized ultra-premium cigars denoted into Mild (Suave), Medium (Medio) and Strong (Fuerte) blends.
The specific combination of wrappers, binders, and fillers that make up our proprietary blends are found nowhere else in the world. Not satisfied with tobacco leaves found only to a region, some leaves have been chosen from specific plantations, and even specific fields. Intense attention to detail and the hand of a master perfectionist go into the blend of every cigar. These ultra-premium tobacco leaves come from only the best and limited supply across thirteen different leaf sources from six countries, including the vaunted Dominican Kelner Private Family Reserve.